Dear Delegate(s),
For the first time ever the Kenya Society of Anaesthesiologists will run a Problem Based Learning Discussions (PBLDs) during the 2019 27th KSA & 7th CCSK annual conference at the RMK Conference Centre, Naivasha. These will be small group fora discussing pertinent and contemporary anaesthesia topics in keeping with the theme “Think Global, Act Local: Changing perspectives”.
There will be a total of 4 PBLDs. 2 PBLDs will run on each day between 7-8:00 a.m. The slots are limited to 15 participants per PBLD. The PBLD schedule is as follows
Thursday,22ndAugust 2019:
- Room A- Ventilator Graphics
- Room B – Medication Errors
Friday ,23rd August 2019:
- Room A- Pain management in Patient Undergoing Mastectomy and Axillary Surgery
- Room B- Near misses in Paediatric Anaesthesia
Registration fee: FREE
Do not miss out