About Us

Who We Are

The Kenya Society of Anaesthesiologists was registered on the 21 st September 1994 under the societies act. Its operations are governed by a constitution which establishes a council and an annual general meeting (AGM). The society is affiliated to the International World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) and the Kenya Society of Professionals.

Number of members to date

Full Members
Associate Members

Mission Statement

  • To promote and encourage the Science and Art of Good Anaesthesia in Kenya.
  • Recommend and ensure that the Standards of Training and Practice of Anaesthesia measure up to International Standards.

Aims and Objectives of the KSA:

  1. To promote and encourage the science and art of Anaesthesia in Kenya.
  2. To arrange regular meetings of the members of the KSA for scientific and social purposes.
  3. To recommend desirable standard for training and practice in Anaesthesia.
  4. To establish liaison with bodies in other countries having similar interests.