View More Submit Abstract Any qualified physician anaesthesiologist
shall be eligible for full membership of the society.
KSA holds Excellent Annual Conferences BECOME A MEMBER VIEW CONFERENCES
We keep our members up to date KSA recommends desirable standards
for training or practice in anaesthesia
KSA rewards excellence with the aim
to promote and encourage the science
and art of good anaesthesia.
Awarding Excellence BECOME A MEMBER

Welcome to Kenya Society of Anaesthesiologists

The Kenya Society of Anaesthesiologists was registered on the 21 st September 1994 under the societies act. Its operations are governed by a constitution which establishes a council and an annual general meeting (AGM).The society is affiliated to the International World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) and the Kenya Society of Professionals.

The Kenya Society of Anaesthesiologists (KSA) is a professional organization whose full membership is open to qualified Anaesthesiologists working in Kenya. Associate members are the Registered Clinical Officers in Anaesthesia, Nurse Anaesthetists and all students of Anaesthesia. Anaesthesiologists from the rest of the world can be awarded Honorary Membership in relation to their contributions to the Society.

Number of KSA Members to date

Full Members
Associate Members

Membership Details

To support the society, as well as enjoy membership benefits, kindly pay your annual membership fee;

  • Full Member KES 5,000 (qualified physician anaesthesiologist in full or part time practice of anaesthesia in Kenya)
  • Associate Member KES 2,000 (qualified medical doctor in anaesthesia training), is up to date.
Methods of Payment

Methods of Payment:

  1. Cheque / Bank Transfer (Bank charges are the responsibility of the delegate)
    Account Name: Kenya Society of Anaesthesiologists
    Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank
    Branch: YAYA Center
    Account number: 01028-474550-00
    Swift code: SCBLKENXXXX
  1. Mpesa Paybill: number: 872224
    Account number: Subs